Tuesday, June 9, 2015


These days, lots and lots of  highly processed foods for example, chips, biscuits, cold drinks, ready made noodles etc. have taken over the markets and are supplied to households frequently. People are unaware of the consequences of these products in their health and fitness. A lot of the commercially created foods that we tend to eat are literally harmful once consumed often. Healthy consumption of foods so starts with avoiding foods that are literally dangerous for you. This means that these fast foods should be taken occasionally, not on a daily basis. Concentrating on intake of foods with different components of the macro-nutrients such as vitamins, fibers, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, fats etc. on a daily basis turns out to be fruitful for your healthy life. 
Nutrients essential for healthy life

Vitamins help to regulate chemical reactions in the body.  There are 13 vitamins, including vitamins A, B complex, C, D, E, and K.  Because most vitamins cannot be made in the body, we must obtain them through the diet. Vitamins are best consumed through a varied diet rather than as a supplement because there is little chance of taking too high a dose.

Protein from food is broken down into amino acids by the digestive system. These amino acids are then used for building and repairing muscles, red blood cells, hair and other tissues, and for making hormones.  Adequate protein intake is also important for a healthy immune system.  Because protein is a source of calories, it will be used for energy if not enough carbohydrate is available due to skipped meals, heavy exercise, etc.  Main sources of protein are animal products like meat, fish, poultry, milk, cheese and eggs and vegetable sources like legumes (beans, lentils, dried peas, nuts) and seeds.

Carbohydrates can be grouped into two categories: simple and complex.  Simple carbohydrates are sugars whereas complex carbohydrates consist of starch and dietary fiber. Carbohydrate provides the energy that is used first to fuel muscles and the brain.  Soluble fiber (fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds, brown rice, and oat, barley and rice brans) lowers blood cholesterol and helps to control blood sugar levels while providing very little energy.  Insoluble fiber(wheat and corn bran, whole-grain breads and cereals, vegetables, fruit skins, nuts) doesn’t provide any calories. It helps to eliminate digestive disorders like constipation and may help prevent colon cancer. Sources of carbohydrates include grain products such as breads, cereals, pasta, and rice as well as fruits and vegetables.

The fat in food includes a mixture of saturated and unsaturated fat.  Animal-based foods such as meats and milk products are higher in saturated fat whereas most vegetable oils are higher in unsaturated fat.  Compared to carbohydrate and protein, each gram of fat provides more than twice the amount of calories. Nevertheless, dietary fat does play an important role in a healthy diet.  Fat maintains skin and hair, cushions vital organs, provides insulation, and is necessary for the production and absorption of certain vitamins and hormones. 
Minerals are components of foods that are involved in many body functions. For example, calcium and magnesium are important for bone structure, and iron is needed for our red blood cells to transport oxygen.  Like vitamins, minerals are not a source of energy and are best obtained through a varied diet rather than supplements.

And most importantly, consuming pure water at least 8 glasses per day is a must for a good health as water hydrates the body without extra calories, maintains body temperatures, carries different nutrients and waste products from our cells for them to function properly.

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Foods with anti-inflammatory properties

Inflammation is a key to most of the serious diseases including heart diseases. Actually, inflammation is a natural process in a body which causes occasional pain in small measures, when a body's white blood cells fight and protect from foreign particles like bacteria and various viruses. But when inflammatory response starts to gear up and goes out of hand, it might bring havocking circumstances. Researches have succeeded to indicate the anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in various foods. For the best regulation of inflammation, it is requested you to increase the amount of the list of foods included here, in your diet.

Foods with anti-inflammatory properties
  • Leafy green vegetables       
  • Blueberries
  • Cinnamon
  • Garlic
  • Carrots
  • Pineapples
  • Fatty Fish
  • Onions
  • Ginger
  • Turmeric
  • Cloves
  • Grapes
  • Walnuts

The factor reducing the risk of chronic inflammation is your eating habit. The components of a diet you intake posses different anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties which can prevent you from chronic inflammation. So, it is suggested to take account of the dietary components and nutrients contained in the foods you eat on a daily basis.

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Firstly, drinking a lot of water is the primary thing to do in order to maintain your weight issues, with many other advantages. Since, drinking plenty of water helps in fat metabolization, it helps your body to burn fats. In addition, water can fill you up, declining a wish to eat more. Next, the eating habit which includes a mix of good nutritious foods is a key to maintain your weight. Avoid consuming highly processed and high calorie food products.

The main meal of the day should be a plate of food with a protein source such as meat or legumes on a quarter of the plate, a starch such as rice or pasta on a quarter of the plate, and two servings of different-colored vegetables on the other half of the plate. Eliminating over carbohydrates and focusing more on proteins would be more fruitful. That’s not limited to animal proteins, though, be sure to include some proteins from plant sources such as legumes and nuts as well.

Here, the another important thing is 'Don't overeat'. Even if you consume a balanced diet with all the nutrients as key ingredients, but you cannot help yourself from eating more than you ought to, then it is of no use. Make a good plan on the amount of food you need to consume which quenches your hunger, not less not excess. 

Consumption of lots of fresh fruits and vegetables also helps in loosing or maintaining weight as they contain lots of fibers which are hard to be digested by the body, hence burning calories. 

In addition, develop a strong willpower to achieve what you need and be patient. Make sure to follow healthy eating habits with at least 30 minutes work out per day for best and fast result.
toolwork Web Developer

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Friday, June 5, 2015

Tips for your healthy teeth

You probably might have heard a quote, "Smile is a curve which makes everything straight". So how often do you try to make everything straight by delivering a healthy smile? A healthy smile is achieved if you have a healthy teeth. And this article focuses on keeping your teeth healthy which in turn is a reason for your healthy smile.

Here are the list of few things which may ruin your smile by affecting your teeth:

  • Cold drinks (contains sugar and high ph level, leading to tooth erosion due to high concentration of acidic components)
  • Dried fruits (contains non-cellulose fibers trapping sugars around teeth)
  • Tobacco (smoking turns teeth yellow, in addition, films of tar are formed in teeth promoting bacteria causing tooth erosion along with tooth inflammation)
  • Chewing vitamin tablets (is a cause of cavity because the sticky nature adheres sugar on the teeth and could cause cavities)
  • Alcoholic beverages (contains acidic components and frequent consumption can erode enamels in the teeth)
  • Candy (sugar contained in candy stick to the tooth and can welcome cavity)
  • Hot drinks (plain coffee and tea stains get indented inside of the teeth, becomes sticky and can retain decay-producing bacteria)
There are more than the listed causes for dental problems such as, not brushing and flossing teeth regularly, eating foods with less minerals and consuming nutrient-deficient foods, no regular meeting with dentist (at least twice a year) etc.. If all the villains to your choppers are controlled or eliminated, happy, healthy teeth is what you will get.
toolwork Web Developer

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Thursday, June 4, 2015

Tips to maintain blood pressure

Fluctuating blood pressure level i.e. high level and low level, is a leading cause for heart attacks, strokes and various other diseases. The main contributing key to abnormal and unstable blood pressure level is obesity and excess weight. Hence, to reduce the weight issue, we should take an account of balancing our diet , which in turn maintains blood pressure to normal level. Here are some tips to maintain normal blood pressure.

maintaining blood pressure

  • Maintaining healthy eating habit, consuming nutritious foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, pomegranates, garlic etc..
  • Avoiding too much consumption of salt because excess sodium in body could make heart hard to function effectively.
  • Avoiding consumption of highly processed foods.
  • Dark chocolates and fatty fish are found to be beneficial for maintaining blood pressure in normal level.
  • Drinking at least 6 to 8 glasses of water per day.
  • Trying to live a stress free life. Exercise or walk at least for 30 hours per day since it helps in relieving stress.
  • Increasing the consumption of foods which contain anti-oxidant components such as leafy green vegetables, carrots, pineapples etc., helps in relieving blood vessels with normal blood circulation.
toolwork Web Developer

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Wednesday, June 3, 2015


In order to stay fit, a healthy food consumption, as different nutrients as key ingredients is very necessary along with consistent work outs. A commitment to a regular workout regimen will increase your fitness level, improve your health and generate a greater sense of mental well being. In this article, we discuss about the work outs and exercises that can be done in your home, if you do not wish to get a gym membership. These work outs can get you in shape if you are consistent, committed and doing it in slow, controlled manner. 
  • Warming up is the most essential thing you should do when you try to start to work out. It makes your muscles warm and pumps up your heart rate and helps to avoid probable injuries. Warming up includes running, stretching, jumping, jogging up and down your stairs etc.. You need to warm up until you sweat out just before starting your regular working out routine.
  • Start to do push ups, start with at least 5 and increase accordingly.
  • Start to squat down and then up in your feet, do it at least 10 times consistently for the first time and then increase accordingly.
  • 15 seconds Planck is a good technique to build strength in you. With your two elbows and your foot fingers only resting in ground, stretch your entire body with your head held perpendicular to the ground. Increase the time period accordingly.
  • Hip and thigh extension includes lying back on the ground bending your one knee making 90 degrees and stretching the other leg straight. With a bent leg, squeeze your glute, push through your heal, push your hips up. Keep your other leg straight through out the exercise.
These are the tips covering a basic start guide to work out sets in your home. More articles about them will be featured in the upcoming days in this blog. Make sure to stretch out after you finish doing a set of exercises, before continuing to the other one. And again, be consistent. When you exercise with consistency, your muscles will develop gradually and your mind will experience reduced level of stress and greater relaxation, hence improving your health and fitness level. Here is a video about various working out techniques without any equipment, for your guidance.

toolwork Web Developer

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Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Mental health is a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community." There is emerging evidence that positive mental health is associated with improved health outcomes. Health condition that is characterized by alteration in thinking, mood, or behavior associated with distress and/or impaired functioning is a 'state of not being mentally fit' of an individual.
Researches suggest that an individual is mentally healthy when he/she indicates the state of psychological, social and emotional well being. These states may arise when a person possesses an intense feeling on self-acceptance, spirituality, positive relationships, optimism, hopefulness, satisfaction, happiness, cheerfulness, peacefulness, social acceptance, personal self worth, sense of community etc..
More details about mental illness and disorders in:
Learn more about mental health:

Tips to stay mentally fit:

  • Love and take care of yourself. Be active and have a good eating habits. Frequently do the thing in which your passion lies. Combine physical activity with a balanced diet to keep you feeling good by nurturing your body and mind, inside and out.
  • You become, what you think. So, try and develop a positive attitude towards all the situations in life. Start to think about good achievements and eliminate negative thoughts and feelings. Change the aspect of how you see and tackle your problems. Be consistent and stay focused on your goals.
  • Try to be in a circle of people with positive thoughts in their lives and are supportive in every possible way because sometimes all you need is encouragement to be happy and mentally fit.
  • Rest and refreshment are the another worthy reasons to be mentally active. Get a proper sleep daily, go to bed and wake up at a regular time on a daily basis. Refreshment could be achieved by for example, dancing, walking down to your favorite streets, listening to your favorite music, jotting down what you feel, travelling and exploring new places, letting your mind wander by imagining beautiful things and daydreaming etc..
  • Be where you are. Enjoy what you are presently doing, for example if you are watching a movie of your favorite actor, don't let your mind hover around the problems your currently facing or something like that. Stay focused on what you are doing at present.
  • Don't overthink and over-analyze the situations. Try to accept the change as soon as possible because overthinking doesn't mitigate the serious circumstances, either could make it worst. 
  • Most importantly, work out at least 30 minutes per day. Working out or exercising helps you to relieve stress and helps in greater relaxation of mind. When you work out on a regular basis, your body releases a hormone called endorphin which helps as relaxation to stress. 
toolwork Web Developer

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In order to stay fit and healthy, vegetable soups are considered to be very beneficial. A healthy soup is low in fat, minimum salty and is fresh. Here are the health benefits of vegetable soup listed.

vegetable soup

  • Vegetables soups are combination of great nutrients and energy.
  • Vegetable soups help to restore essential water balance in the body.
  • Vegetable soups help to keep blood pressure in control.
  • Regular consumption of vegetable soups helps in weight control as it contains low fat and less calories.
  • Risk of heart diseases and cancers is found to be declined with a regular consumption of vegetable soups.
  • Helps to digest our foods properly and provides energy to our organs.
  • A soup chock-full of vegetables that includes a small amount of meat or poultry can provide a satisfying and healthful meal. Researches have shown that some compounds in chicken soup are anti-inflammatory and lessen the production of mucus which lessens stuffy nose and cough.

toolwork Web Developer

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Advantages and sources of Vitamin D

We have been learning since childhood that vitamin D is one of the essential nutrients for our body and, sun and foods are the sources of vitamin D. But many people are unable to get enough of this nutrient. We know that the intake of vitamin D prevents us from rickets by helping to develop healthy bones. Not only this, but there are few other benefits of vitamin D. Here are the list of health benefits of vitamin D to human body:
  • Boosting immune system : Since, vitamin D is one of the nutrients which helps to increase the immune system of the human body. low intake of vitamin D results in lack of immunity against cold, flu and other infections.
  • Reduction of body fat : Vitamin D helps burn body fat by increasing insulin sensitivity. When your cells are more sensitive to insulin, your body will store less fat.
  • Reduction of risk of heart diseases : To different numbers of factors influencing heart disease, low vitamin D levels is the another factor which increases the risk of heart disease. Low vitamin D levels can increase the body fat storage, obesity and high blood pressure, which are linked to heart diseases.

Sources of your daily vitamin D dosage:

  • Direct Sunlight
  • Egg yolks
  • Vitamin D rich mushrooms
  • Vitamin D fortified milk
  • Vitamin D fortified orange juices
  • Vitamin D supplements
  • Low calorie, fortified cereals
  • Cheese and butter
toolwork Web Developer

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Monday, June 1, 2015

Stress: how to deal with it?

Stress is a natural reaction and an automatic response to the events that make us feel threatened, fearful or upset our balance in some way. Faced with danger, the body kicks into gear, flooding the body with hormones that elevate our heart rate, increase our blood pressure, boost our energy and prepare us to deal with the problem. The stress response is mainly considered as an emergency action. After sensing fear or threat, a nervous system of a human body releases stress hormones which prepare body for the emergency action. 

Rising of blood pressure, pounding of heart at higher rate, being shorter to breath, and senses becoming more sharp etc. are the reactions in response to stress. Increased strength and stamina speeds up the reaction time and enhances focus preparing us to either flee from or fight with the situation.

Signs of stress:

  • Negativity
  • Memory  related problems
  • Unable to concentrate
  • Anxiety
  • Unhappiness
  • Sense of isolation
  • Agitation
  • Sleep problems
  • Aches
  • Digestive problems
  • Dizziness and frequent cold related infections
  • Nervousness
  • Irritation and anger related issues
  • Weight issues

In order to avoid short term and long term health problems, reducing and managing your stress is the must. Here are some points which could help in reducing stress levels.

  • Identify the stress causing problem and develop a plan to address it. Imagine its importance, for example, 'if done what happens, if not, what happens'. Then branching out, deal with the problem specifically eliminating the non-essential points.
  • Manage your anger related issues. Since, short temper is a contributing factor for increasing stress levels, walk away or back off from the situation where you think you cannot control your anger anymore.
  • Building a strong relationship can reduce the level of stress since talking about your hard time to someone close to you like your family members will help you to get rid of unnecessary stressful situations.
  • Get enough of rest because lack of proper relaxation time enhances the stress level in the body.
  • Learn to accept the things you cannot change. There are many invincible situations in life that you can do nothing about. So learn to accept the things you cannot do anything about, this helps in management of stress in an efficient way.
  • Develop healthy eating habits and exercise regularly, at least for 30 minutes per day. Working out regularly releases a hormone called endorphin which reacts against the pain and stress mechanism of the body.
toolwork Web Developer

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Saturday, May 30, 2015

Causes of stomach pain

Stomach pain is the common type of pain experienced by everybody, in general. Most of the times, a stomach pain could be temporary which is very short lived. But the pain could be serious sometimes due to the infections and the other different factors associated with the varieties of organs located in the stomach. To raise awareness about the causes of stomach pain, this article is focused on the most likely reasons for stomach pain, in reference with various other genuine websites' article about the leading causes of stomachache. 

Next time when you feel some kind of dull ache around your stomach existing for a longer period of time, be sure if the listed points are the causes for the pain and consult the physician accordingly.

From humanhealth.com

  • Gallstones: Gallstones are stones that form in the gallbladder, a tiny sac that hangs out under the liver, disgorging bile as needed to digest fats.These stones cause swelling and can block the duct into the intestine, resulting in pain. Gallstone pain tends to strike the right side of the upper abdomen, particularly after fatty meals.

  • Pancreatitis: Inflammation of the pancreas can cause burning pain in the upper or middle abdomen. Some people even have shooting pain that drives right through to their back. You may lean forward or lie on your back to try to relieve the pain, which may subside into a dull ache, nausea, and vomiting. Too much alcohol can be a culprit, as are gallstones (the gallbladder and pancreas deliver their digestive juices into the intestine via the same duct). It often requires hospitalization.

  • Gerd: Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, can cause pain in the upper stomach and lower chest, aka heartburnThe cause? A valve that separates the stomach from the esophagus is weak, allowing food and acid from the stomach to splash upwards. Eating too much food or the wrong type of food (fatty, for instance) can make it worse. Losing weight, watching what you eat, and medication like antacids, H2 blockers, and proton pump inhibitors, can also help.

  • Medication side effects: No drug is without side effects and sometimes that includes abdominal pain. Oral bisphosphonates, a popular class of drugs that helps preserve bone density and prevent osteoporosis, can cause swelling—and therefore pain—in the lower esophagus. Pain medications known as NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as ibuprofen and aspirin can also cause swelling in the stomach lining and may even lead to ulcers.

  • Diverticulitis: Diverticulitis is an inflammation of “diverticula” or pockets that form in the lining of the intestine, usually the colon. “These look like punched-out holes in the lining of the colon that tend to get inflamed or obstructed with stool or other foreign material,” says Dr. Kaul. Symptoms can include cramping in the lower abdomen, which may respond to antibiotics. A high-fiber diet can help. In more severe cases, it can cause abscesses, bleeding, and even perforations, resulting in severe pain, or even the need for surgery or a hospitalization.
Extracted from: www.health.com
Other details and more causes of stomach pain : www.health.com (18 reasons why your stomach hurts)

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Diabetes is a very common disease which is a chronic health condition in which the level of glucose in the body elevates. Diabetes can be classified into two types : Type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes is an uncommon type in which a body fails to generate insulin and affects mostly children. The common type of diabetes is type 2, where your body is unable to produce enough insulin or the produced insulin is unable to work properly. 90% of the diabetics are type 2 diabetics. This type 2 diabetes grow usually after the age of 40. Type 2 diabetes is characterized by the insulin resistance of the body which increases sugar level in the blood.

The usually studied symptoms of diabetes are:

  • being physically inactive
  • increased tiredness and fatigue
  • intense thirst
  • frequent infections
  • slow healing of cuts and wounds
  • frequent hunger
  • unclear or blurred vision
  • nausea and vomiting
  • body weight issues
  • irritability
  • loss of feeling in the feet
It is also observed that an individual with a family history of diabetes might also become prone to diabetes.

The problems caused by diabetes can range from heart disease to kidney failure to losing toes and fingers to nerve damage. A diabetic person is more likely to develop a heart disease than a non-diabetic one. But, keeping the diabetes under control helps to protect the health of heart as much as possible. Since diabetes causes high level of glucose in the blood, which affects the walls of the arteries and make them more likely to develop fatty deposits which are called atheroma, if built up in your coronary arteries, you may suffer from a coronary heart disease which triggers a heart attack.

effects of diabetes

Reducing the risk of developing diabetes for a non-diabetic:

  • develop healthy eating habits
  • control weight
  • develop a habit to work out or perform different physical activities
  • eliminate frequent consumption of sugar related items, as just one sweetened drinking in a day increases your diabetes risk by 25%

Reducing the effect of diabetes on the heart:

  • do not smoke or drink
  • develop healthy eating habits i.e. a balanced diet
  • do physical activity as much as you can, consistently
  • control your weight
  • the drug treatment of diabetes is not fully effective, so it depends on you to control your glucose level by exercising and eating a balanced diet.
For detailed information : Complete Information Sheet of Diabetes
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Saturday, May 23, 2015

New to humans: MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome)

MERS is a respiratory disease accompanied by inimical health conditions like high fever, respiratory illness, cough and shortness of breath. MERS is a new type of disease to humans and was first reported in Saudi Arabia in 2012, and hence named Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). This disease can affect anyone from any age group. About 36% of the people suffering from MERS have been reported dead.

MERS virus

MERS is caused by a family of viruses called corona virus which contains variety of viruses ranging from their capability to stimulate common cold to deadly MERS in humans. This disease is often called atypical pneumonia since it is not caused by a usual bacteria or viruses from the group of corona viruses. The disease is transferred by close contact with an infected person. MERS is reported to emerge in middle east part of the world in the countries like Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE. The report published by World Health Organization (WHO) on June of 2015, has stated that the number of people infected from MERS, after the September of 2012,  is about 1321 in which about 466 have died in minimum. 

Also, according to WHO, Camel is the source of storing maximum number of these types of viruses but the role of camel and the mechanism of transmission of these viruses from camel to a human is still unclear.

Symptoms of MERS:

  • fever
  • cough
  • runny nose
  • shortness of breath
  • some people can also suffer from nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pneumonia and develop kidney failure
People who have weak immunity system, and previously been diagnosed with heart diseases, diabetes, chronic lungs infections and kidney diseases are at greater risk of being infected more seriously. To prevent the disease, it is requested to consult your physician as soon as possible if you find yourself developing the symptoms listed above, especially if you are travelling or staying in the countries in middle east of the world. 

The vaccines for treatment of MERS have not yet been discovered but medical care is provided to lessen the symptoms and relieve the signs. So, it is very important to take account on the precautions to protect yourself against the disease.
  • Avoid the habit of touching your eyes, nose, mouth with unwashed hands because it is the great source of viruses and bacteria entering your body.
  • Frequently wash your hands with soap and clean water.
  • Avoid close contact, through any ways with the sick person
  • For the citizens from outside the middle east regions, pay maximum attention in different issues including food and beverage consumption while travelling to these areas.
toolwork Web Developer

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Monday, May 4, 2015

Thyroid Health

As you know, the different cells in the human body have their respective crucial functions and are fully operational. These cells are highly influenced by one of the largest endocrine glands in human body, the thyroid. Located at the front of the neck, thyroid's main role is to monitor the functioning of different cells in the body. By producing different hormones and using them to deliver different messages respectively to the different cells, this butterfly shaped gland, though small in size, has a greater responsibility in regulation of metabolism by instructing almost every cell about the consumption of nutrients and oxygen. 

The follicles situated in the thyroid stores the hormones which is sent out to the blood by thyroid. Triiodothyronine(T3), Thyroxine(T4) and Diiodothyronine(T2) are the three types of hormones stored in the follicles of thyroid. Out of these, Triiodothyronine(T3) and Thyroxine(T4) are the two of the most important hormones which interact with all other hormones produced  in the body like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol and even insulin. Correct amount of T3 and T4 hormones excels in the control of metabolism in the body and is one of the key factors in proper health and fitness. Imbalance in the amount of either of the hormones gives way to certain thyroid related disorders, which are caused by the communication breakdown between the thyroid gland and its monitor; a pituitary gland located in the brain, due to various factors like certain diseases or chemical imbalance, hence the thyroid gland releases too many or too few hormones.


Hyperthyroidism occurs when the organ sends out too many of the hormones into the blood and causes the functions in the body to accelerate rapidly. In other words, the cells become overactive and the metabolism rate is pumped up, signalling the following symptoms to be experienced:
  • Faster heart beat rate
  • Weight loss
  • Constant hunger
  • Difficult to sleep
  • Anxiety
  • Irregular menstrual periods in women
  • Hot and sweaty
  • Frequent bowel movement
Hyperthyroidism. if not treated properly could lead to heart failure.


Just as opposite of hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid sends out too few hormones. In other words, the cells lack the hormones required to function effectively, hence there is listless growth of cells and metabolism rate slows down. The following symptoms could be signaled if a person suffers from hypothyroidism:
  • Weight gain
  • Fatigue and lack of energy causes sluggishness
  • Sensitivity to cold
  • Depression
  • Hair loss
  • Swollen joints
There are medical treatments for both types of thyroid disorders. So, it is requested to visit the physician as soon as possible, when you experience the listed symptoms too frequently.

For in depth knowledge and body maps concerning thyroid, browse: http://www.healthline.com/human-body-maps/thyroid-gland
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Sunday, May 3, 2015

Choosing your sunscreen this summer

Taking care of your skin is also an essential part of your proper health and fitness. Primarily, trying to avoid the sun from about 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. would be the best idea to be safe from the harmful radiations of the summer sun. But, for people in different cases, this would not be a perfect idea because they have to go out or travel during this time period. So, for them to not compromise their safety, there are various tips to be protected from the sun while going out, including wearing sunglasses, wearing full sleeved shirts, wearing caps to protect the face from the sun, applying sunscreen to the exposed body parts etc.. 

Choosing a sunscreen:

While travelling out in the summer sun, applying a sunscreen to the exposed body parts is the best way to get rid of the harmful radiations of the sun which can alter your health conditions causing lot of skin problems including cancer. However, using a sunscreen just without any proper knowledge of the specifications and  the methods of application of the product, and thinking it to be a savior is no fruitful. So, there are basic things to take an account of before purchasing or using a sunscreen.

  • SPF rating: SPF (Sunburn Protection Factor) is the factor which states that the vulnerability of getting affected by a person wearing a sunscreen is 'that factor' times less in comparison with a person exposed to the sun without wearing any sunscreen. For example, if a person is wearing a sunscreen with SPF 15, then he/she is 15 times less vulnerable to get sunburn than the person using no sunscreen. However, using sunscreen with SPF 30 or 50 would be highly prolific. It is often not recommended to use sunscreens with SPF higher than 50 because it is believed that specifying a sunscreen with SPF higher than 50 is just another marketing strategy and doesn't guarantee extra protection.

  • Broad spectrum: There are three types of UV wavelengths which are classified as UVA, UVB and UVC. While SPF only measures the UVB, exposure to the combination of UVA and UVB contributes to a deadly skin cancer. So, it is recommended to consume a sunscreen which has been labelled as 'Broad Spectrum' since this type of sunscreen helps to protect from both UVA and UVB radiations.
  • Testing a sunscreen: Before purchasing a sunscreen for the purpose of daily usage, test a sunscreen in a small patch of skin first. Note the effect of it in your skin, i.e. either it bothers you or not. Because every brand of sunscreen is not the same just like the other sets of products in the market, it is necessary to check the side effects of that particular sunscreen in your skin first. 
  • Avoid using sunscreen with dangerous ingredients: Try to consume a mineral-based sunscreen containing zinc oxide or titanium oxide. Avoid using a sunscreen with an ingredient as oxybenzone since it is considered as a hormone disruptor and often triggers allergic reactions.
Sunscreens should be applied to the body parts which are exposed to the sun, 30 minutes before going out to the sun. It should be applied evenly on exposed skin including ears, neck, arms, shoulders and other body parts according to your clothing style but avoiding the eye. If you have been swimming, washing your face often or sweating a lot, make sure to reapply the sunscreen for positive results.

toolwork Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Top 6 foods and drinks to avoid during summer

Summer, a weather full of warmth and heat, but if proper care is taken, this time of the year is full of fun too. Various problems arise concerning our health and fitness in summer because of the temperature being risen up. There are different kind of foods and drinks to take an account on, while eating or consuming them in summer because bad eating habits in summer could lead to severe health issues.

Here is a list of top 6 foods and drinks to avoid in Summer.

6. Caffeine and Alcoholic Beverages: 

Although, caffeine has various health benefits, drinking too much of coffee in summer could be no fruitful. The main reason for avoiding coffee in summer is to keep your body hydrated. Consuming coffee too often dehydrates your body. Also, drinking hot coffee or tea warms up your body in summer thus leading to diseases. Caffeine products contributes to insomnia which in turn gives space for fatigue and tiredness.

Also, drinking alcoholic beverages also has same effect of dehydrating the body in large amount along with their other health disadvantages. Alcohol also disrupts sleep patterns and lead to weight gain. So, it is recommended to not consume caffeine products or alcoholic beverages in summer, mainly when you move outside in the hot summer sun. Drinking a plenty of water is beneficial for all cases in summer as it keeps hydrating your body.

5. Nuts:

Nuts refer to the seeds which contain a large number of oil and fat, such as peanut, walnut, cashew nut, pine nut, melon seeds, almond, pistachio nut, and so on. Nuts are very nutritious and beneficial to human health. However, during the summer, you should not eat too much of this kind of food. This is because nuts contain a high content of calories, and they will produce a lot of heat in the body.
Also, dried nuts are low in their water content hence, contributing to dehydration in summer, the time when you need maximum amount of water content in your body to be healthy and fit.

4. Fruit Juices:

You thought your whole life that the fruit juices are highly beneficial to body and are not inimical to health and fitness in any way, isn't it? Isn't this astonishing? But it is true that relying heavily to fruit juices rather than the fruit itself in summer could cause negative impacts in your body.

When you blend a fruit to extract its juice, the fibers contained in the fruit is no longer present. Fiber is a very important nutrient which has a lot of benefits. Fibers help in digestion, prevent colon cancer and has many other advantages to health. But, when you frequently drink fruit juices instead of eating a fruit, your body could lack the amount of fiber leading to tiredness, constipation, weight gain, nausea, sugar fluctuation in blood etc..

Also, most of the commercial fruit juices contain large amount of sugar and are high in calories, which are the leading cause of obesity and various other health issues. The acid and sugar present in a fruit juice are very harmful to the teeth as they can weaken the hardness of teeth by eroding enamel, decaying and by creating cavity.

3. Cold Drinks:

When you feel hot in the summer, there comes a desire to have some cold soft drinks and relax. But, you should have noticed, some time after having a drink, you develop an urge to drink water. Yes, this is a case. In general, cold soft drinks dehydrate your body after consuming them, which might lead to cellular dehydration and various other diseases including the weakened immune system. So, it is very important to drink plenty of water in summer and to avoid drinking cold drinks.

Cold drink such  as soda contains sugar, phosphoric acid, carbonation and many calories. Sugar contributes to obesity, increment of sugar level in blood can lead to diabetes and various other fat related diseases whereas the phosphoric acid weakens the calcium composition in your bones and teeth, thus leading to poor bone and teeth development. It is advised to drink plenty of water instead of the cold drinks in the summer.

2. Ice Creams:

Another best thing consumed frequently by majority of people to enjoy and beat summer are ice creams. So, as this article is all about foods to be avoided in summer, it is certain that ice creams are 'not to be consumed frequently' type of dessert too.  There are number of disadvantages of consuming an ice-cream and frequent consumption could contribute to various health issues such as:

  • High sugar content results in obesity, as the sugar gets converted and stored in the form of fat in the body.
  • Ice-cream is made up of milk. Animals producing milk are injected with high estrogen containing syringes to produce milk at the faster rate. When consuming an ice-cream made up of this type of milk, a human body has higher risk of over development which is against the human body's natural mechanism.
  • Consuming ice-cream frequently also increases the cholesterol level in blood which in turn is the cause for heart diseases.

1. Processed Meats: 

Roasting varieties of meat products and enjoying them with your beverages might be your one of the favorite parts of the plans in the summer. But, how would you feel if you are told that these types of food are one of the leading causes of cancer and other health issues? Yes, frequent consumption of processed meats such as sausages, bacon, hot dogs etc. has an adverse effect in your health and fitness . 


Various research and scientific studies have confirmed that the consumption of processed meats contributes to cancer, heart diseases etc. thus decreasing the life span of a human being. Nitrate, which is used in the frozen meats as a preservative and to make the products appear fresh, is a cause for forming cancer causing chemicals in the human body.

Since these types of meats are rich in fat and cholesterol, they also contribute to different heart diseases. So, in summer, it is the best thing to chill by consuming the processed meats less frequently or don't consume them at all if your desire is to stay healthy and fit. Also along with processed meats, other processed foods like fried chips, french fries, fried doughs, pizzas etc. are also considered very harmful in summer if frequently consumed.


These are my top 5 list of the foods and drinks you should never consume in Summer to stay healthy and fit. Is there any thing missed? What is your list?
toolwork Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.

Friday, May 1, 2015


There are more than many fitness and health apps for different smartphones but you are not of course willing to download all of them, to grab maximum benefit from your workouts. So, this is my list of 5 fitness apps you should have in your phone, for your workout session to be more effective as well as  highly prolific. 

Map my fitness

Great fitness app which includes mapping of different fitness activitiy such as map my run, map my ride, map my walk and map my hike. This app uses GPS tracking system and helps collecting and recording your work out along with the statistical analysis. Map my fitness also tracks the nutritional value of your eating habits and lets you know when to cut off the high calorie intake.

For further information: http://www.mapmyfitness.com


Fitstar is the high-tech, personalized fitness app which is often considered as a revolutionary one. The work outs in this app are guided by the celebrity trainers, who will walk with you through the arduous fitness journey, but don't worry they even spice it up with a motivational pep talk.

The app has the facility to upload your choice music during your work out session which helps you to pump up your adrenaline rush during exercise. The main idea of this app is to make you fit by ensuring you that you are never alone during the entire session. With the fitstar fitness app, you can take your portable gym center with a personal trainer anywhere.

For further information: http://fitstar.com

Nike Training Club

This app lets you choose your level of working out, whether you would like to perform the sets of a beginner,  an intermediate or  an advanced. Once you select your level, you have seven workouts to choose from ranging from 30-35 minutes. The workouts have you performing a variety of toning and aerobic exercises ranging from 30 seconds to two minutes in length, in succession. The app also offers a video demonstration of each exercise.

Get Leaned, Get Toned, Get Strong and Get Focused are the categories provided by the app which represent a type of goal you would like to achieve from your workout. This app offers a step by step guidance to improve and fine your workouts and correctly apply the techniques. 

For further information: http://www.nike.com/us/en_us/c/womens-training/apps/nike-training-club

My Fitness Pal

My Fitness Pal is an interactive and easy to use fitness and health app out there which tracks your exercise along with your daily calorie consumption. This app is also recently praised as 'The King of Diet Trackers'. My Fitness Pal has gained popularity to be one of the best diet friendly and calorie counting applications around. This app also consists of forum where people can freely exchange advices and tips and can build a healthy relationships by sharing fitness issues and struggles. My fitness pal, certainly is one of the fitness apps that every person willing to contribute to their fitness level should try out. 

For further information : http://www.myfitnesspal.com/apps

7- Minute Workout

7- Minute Workout consists of high intensity workouts and I consider it to be one of the most motivating fitness apps if you are thinking to initiate your exercises without hitting to gym but could not really get started. There are several 7- Minutes workout apps, almost all are effective but the one by Perigee is recommended by me because I find it very simple to use anddefinitely is a prolific one. The app is very very simple to use and consists of 12 different workouts, 30 seconds of each with 10 min rest between consecutive exercises. All that you need to start up is a chair, a wall and your own body weight. The main objective of this app is to help you get the maximum benefit of working out on a daily basis, in the shortest time possible. 7- Minute workout is strongly a 'must have app' according to my list.

For further information: http://www.perigee.se/seven.php

toolwork Web Developer

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