Sunday, May 3, 2015

Choosing your sunscreen this summer

Taking care of your skin is also an essential part of your proper health and fitness. Primarily, trying to avoid the sun from about 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. would be the best idea to be safe from the harmful radiations of the summer sun. But, for people in different cases, this would not be a perfect idea because they have to go out or travel during this time period. So, for them to not compromise their safety, there are various tips to be protected from the sun while going out, including wearing sunglasses, wearing full sleeved shirts, wearing caps to protect the face from the sun, applying sunscreen to the exposed body parts etc.. 

Choosing a sunscreen:

While travelling out in the summer sun, applying a sunscreen to the exposed body parts is the best way to get rid of the harmful radiations of the sun which can alter your health conditions causing lot of skin problems including cancer. However, using a sunscreen just without any proper knowledge of the specifications and  the methods of application of the product, and thinking it to be a savior is no fruitful. So, there are basic things to take an account of before purchasing or using a sunscreen.

  • SPF rating: SPF (Sunburn Protection Factor) is the factor which states that the vulnerability of getting affected by a person wearing a sunscreen is 'that factor' times less in comparison with a person exposed to the sun without wearing any sunscreen. For example, if a person is wearing a sunscreen with SPF 15, then he/she is 15 times less vulnerable to get sunburn than the person using no sunscreen. However, using sunscreen with SPF 30 or 50 would be highly prolific. It is often not recommended to use sunscreens with SPF higher than 50 because it is believed that specifying a sunscreen with SPF higher than 50 is just another marketing strategy and doesn't guarantee extra protection.

  • Broad spectrum: There are three types of UV wavelengths which are classified as UVA, UVB and UVC. While SPF only measures the UVB, exposure to the combination of UVA and UVB contributes to a deadly skin cancer. So, it is recommended to consume a sunscreen which has been labelled as 'Broad Spectrum' since this type of sunscreen helps to protect from both UVA and UVB radiations.
  • Testing a sunscreen: Before purchasing a sunscreen for the purpose of daily usage, test a sunscreen in a small patch of skin first. Note the effect of it in your skin, i.e. either it bothers you or not. Because every brand of sunscreen is not the same just like the other sets of products in the market, it is necessary to check the side effects of that particular sunscreen in your skin first. 
  • Avoid using sunscreen with dangerous ingredients: Try to consume a mineral-based sunscreen containing zinc oxide or titanium oxide. Avoid using a sunscreen with an ingredient as oxybenzone since it is considered as a hormone disruptor and often triggers allergic reactions.
Sunscreens should be applied to the body parts which are exposed to the sun, 30 minutes before going out to the sun. It should be applied evenly on exposed skin including ears, neck, arms, shoulders and other body parts according to your clothing style but avoiding the eye. If you have been swimming, washing your face often or sweating a lot, make sure to reapply the sunscreen for positive results.

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