Wednesday, June 3, 2015


In order to stay fit, a healthy food consumption, as different nutrients as key ingredients is very necessary along with consistent work outs. A commitment to a regular workout regimen will increase your fitness level, improve your health and generate a greater sense of mental well being. In this article, we discuss about the work outs and exercises that can be done in your home, if you do not wish to get a gym membership. These work outs can get you in shape if you are consistent, committed and doing it in slow, controlled manner. 
  • Warming up is the most essential thing you should do when you try to start to work out. It makes your muscles warm and pumps up your heart rate and helps to avoid probable injuries. Warming up includes running, stretching, jumping, jogging up and down your stairs etc.. You need to warm up until you sweat out just before starting your regular working out routine.
  • Start to do push ups, start with at least 5 and increase accordingly.
  • Start to squat down and then up in your feet, do it at least 10 times consistently for the first time and then increase accordingly.
  • 15 seconds Planck is a good technique to build strength in you. With your two elbows and your foot fingers only resting in ground, stretch your entire body with your head held perpendicular to the ground. Increase the time period accordingly.
  • Hip and thigh extension includes lying back on the ground bending your one knee making 90 degrees and stretching the other leg straight. With a bent leg, squeeze your glute, push through your heal, push your hips up. Keep your other leg straight through out the exercise.
These are the tips covering a basic start guide to work out sets in your home. More articles about them will be featured in the upcoming days in this blog. Make sure to stretch out after you finish doing a set of exercises, before continuing to the other one. And again, be consistent. When you exercise with consistency, your muscles will develop gradually and your mind will experience reduced level of stress and greater relaxation, hence improving your health and fitness level. Here is a video about various working out techniques without any equipment, for your guidance.

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1 comment:

  1. Nice information, this home workout would play the vital role to keep people fit and healthy beside their hectic life.
